by MontanaCoauthor | Jun 10, 2014 | News
(Bozeman, MT) Summer can be a productive writing season if you know how to channel your creative energy. Learn to strike the right balance—making time for enjoying the outdoors and maintaining a healthy writing practice year round. “It’s vital that writers nourish...
by MontanaCoauthor | Mar 5, 2014 | News
Host a Writing Workshop, Attend for FREE (Bozeman, MT) In March and April 2014, local writer Anika Hanisch is offering three writing workshops in a Host-in-Home format. Any writer in the region may host a workshop in their home or at a local conference venue. The...
by MontanaCoauthor | Mar 26, 2013 | News
“Truth or Fiction” Writing Workshop in Bozeman Local writer wrestles with the differences between literary memoir, fiction, and “based-on-true” stories Bozeman, MT – On April 21, local ghostwriter and co-author Anika Hanisch will provide writing tips and structural...
by MontanaCoauthor | Jan 10, 2013 | News
Bozeman, MT – Considering the success of last year’s Midwinter Intensive, local writing instructor Anika Hanisch is offering this custom-instruction half-day session again this year. On Sunday, January 27 Hanisch will provide instruction to both beginner and...
by MontanaCoauthor | Oct 6, 2012 | News
October 5, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Autumn 2012 “Stories Worth Telling” memoir writing workshops provide instruction, writing exercises, and publishing tips Bozeman, MT – Writers of all levels will receive the inspiration, structural recommendations, and...
by MontanaCoauthor | Mar 15, 2012 | News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Walt Steingruber 406.284.6920 Local Writing Student Self-Publishes Book About Immigrant Experience and Ranch Life “Born to Serve” started out as a few personal essays, grew into whole book about one Milligan Canyon family Manhattan, MT –...