by MontanaCoauthor | Jul 2, 2018 | News
“…scattered throughout this darker narrative, we also see Brigitte reveling in small childhood pleasures: learning to ride a bike, finding a blanket-stuffed nook to read a few precious books, and picking blueberries in the summer, mushrooms in the spring...
by MontanaCoauthor | Jun 5, 2018 | News
“Yearman’s remembrance…is poignant, filled with vivid details but unembellished by maudlin sentiment. She allows the genuine power of her autobiographical drama to speak for itself. ” So states a recent Kirkus Review posting about “Don’t...
by MontanaCoauthor | Feb 27, 2018 | News
I apologize for being scarce with posts the past few months. My coauthor’s book “Don’t Say Anything to Anybody” kept me busy through 2017, and Brigitte certainly enjoyed the incredible feedback and support she received from regional fans. But...
by MontanaCoauthor | Dec 8, 2017 | News, Writing Process Tips
Disclaimer: I hope you can hear the humor and love in my tone with this one. If you’ve said any of these things to me in the past, truly you’re forgiven. I’ve made these mistakes myself before I knew what it was like to be on the receiving end. Now I know. And you...
by MontanaCoauthor | Oct 9, 2017 | News
Country Bookshelf, Montana’s largest independent bookstore, usually prepares for a dozen attendees at new author events. Ten minutes before Brigitte’s book signing started, the store employees were happily scrambling to put out more chairs. Over 60 came...
by MontanaCoauthor | Oct 6, 2017 | News
Well, of all the posters and flyers that have gone up around Bozeman regarding Brigitte Yearman’s book signing this weekend, this one definitely gets First Prize for Attention-Getting Snark. Here’s a little closer view of the paragraph text that clarifies...