by MontanaCoauthor | Feb 2, 2022 | Writing Process Tips
Only a couple short months ago, I referred to January as Writer’s Summertime. It’s a deep-freeze month when I’m glad to be indoors at my writing desk every day. Such a contrast to the hard physical work dawn-to-dusk during the farm’s growing season. This year, January...
by MontanaCoauthor | Nov 1, 2021 | News, Writing Process Tips
On October 28th, Anika Hanisch interviewed long-time novelist and memoirist Laura Kalpakian who has recently published a new instructional work: Memory into Memoir: A Writer’s Handbook. The two women shared their insights about the memoir-writing process. Both have...
by MontanaCoauthor | Oct 4, 2021 | News, Writing Process Tips
Country Bookshelf in Bozeman, Montana has asked Anika Hanisch to interview long-time novelist and memoirist Laura Kalpakian about her new non-fiction instructional work: Memory into Memoir: A Writer’s Handbook. The two women have taught memoir-writing and written...
by MontanaCoauthor | Sep 6, 2021 | Sketchbook, Writing Process Tips
It’s still early September, but we’ve started to see the first flushes of fall color. In Montana, our mid- and late-summers have become incredibly hot, dry, and smoky. So it’s hard to tell if the trees are changing because it’s true-autumn, or because they are drying...
by MontanaCoauthor | Jul 20, 2021 | Writing Process Tips
How my role as a writer-for-hire helps me finish my own creative work As a natural health ghostwriter, copywriter, and coauthor for the past twenty years, I’ve met incredible people I wouldn’t have met any other way. I’ve learned about new scientific and medical...
by MontanaCoauthor | May 11, 2021 | News, Writing Process Tips
Musings on the work that begins AFTER the first readable draft is complete I recently turned in the first full readable draft of a multi-author manuscript. The team was elated. Each author had already spent months of effort working with me to revise their chapters. I...