Tools of the Trade: Time Management

“How can you possibly find the time to write?” Oh boy, that question. What people are really saying is, “How do you justify writing instead of doing all the other way more important things?” The reality is that most people view writing as a leisure activity, not real...

Tools of the Trade: Cut and Paste

What to do when content comes in a wild and disorganized mass… Sometimes I take a weekend to “write in the far away” (to adapt Georgia O’Keefe’s  reference to “painting in the far away”). Content comes quickly. Sometimes it comes in a remarkably organized...
Tools of the Trade: Paper Management

Tools of the Trade: Paper Management

I’ve had a lot of client inquiries about the not-so-simple task of managing all the physical paper we still use in the writing process–and how to manage multiple digital draft files too. Here are the tools I use to help organize myself on a daily basis. Index...